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createTourTemplate API allows users to generate a custom tour template by defining a name, description, language, duration, distance, and a list of Points of Interest (POIs). The API returns a unique tourTemplateId for managing or modifying the template later.

Key Features

  1. Create a tour template with a custom name and description
  2. Define tour duration and total distance
  3. Include multiple POIs to structure an itinerary
  4. Retrieve a unique tourTemplateId for future modifications

Example Request

Creating a cultural tour template in Toronto:
  "apiKey": "12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890abcdef",
  "name": "Cultural Tapestry Trail: A Journey Through Toronto's Heritage",
  "description": "Embark on a cultural journey along Toronto’s most iconic landmarks",
  "lang": "en",
  "durationInMinutes": 240,
  "distanceInMeters": 4500,
  "poiIdList": [
      { "poiId": "edea824b-5aad-4691-98e1-1493269521b2" },
      { "poiId": "6dcfc4f0-81c5-4f19-b3df-09464a84213b" }

Request Body

apiKey string Required
A unique authentication key required for API access. This key must be included in every request to authorize and validate usage. Obtain your API key from the Developer Portal.
name string Required
The name of the tour template. This should be a descriptive title that reflects the theme or focus of the tour.
description string Optional
A detailed description of the tour, outlining its purpose, key highlights, and points of interest.
lang string Optional Defaults to "en"
Specifies the language for the tour template. Uses ISO 639-1 codes (e.g., "en" for English, "fr" for French).
durationInMinutes integer Required
The estimated duration of the tour in minutes.
distanceInMeters integer Required
The total distance covered by the tour in meters.
poiIdList array Required
A list of Points of Interest (POIs) included in the tour. Each POI is identified by a unique poiId.

Example Response

Returns a unique tourTemplateId for future modifications or retrieval:

    "tourTemplateId": "5c744b2b-8f6c-4be1-baf0-409e43a4e06e"