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getTourTemplate API allows users to retrieve details about a specific tour template, including its name, description, duration, and associated Points of Interest (POIs).

Key Features

  1. Retrieve a tour template by its unique ID
  2. Access detailed information, including description, duration, and distance
  3. Get a list of associated POIs

Example Request

Retrieving details for a specific tour template:
   "apiKey": "12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890abcdef",
   "tourTemplateId": "6e72952b-e987-4b5c-9f05-b568d622bdbf"

Request Body

apiKey string Required
A unique authentication key required for API access. Obtain your API key from the Developer Portal.
tourTemplateId string Required
The unique identifier of the tour template to retrieve.

Example Response

Returns details of the requested tour template:

    "tourTemplateId": "6e72952b-e987-4b5c-9f05-b568d622bdbf",
    "name": "Cultural Tapestry Trail: A Journey Through Toronto's Heritage",
    "description": "Embark on a cultural journey through Toronto ...",
    "lang": "en",
    "durationInMinutes": 240,
    "distanceInMeters": 4500,
    "poiIdList": [
        { "poiId": "edea824b-5aad-4691-98e1-1493269521b2" },
        { "poiId": "6dcfc4f0-81c5-4f19-b3df-09464a84213b" },
        { "poiId": "c5e38d48-74c4-438d-8860-d9953afab1fd" }