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updateTourTemplateImage API allows users to update the image associated with a tour template by providing a valid tour template ID and an uploaded image file ID. This API ensures that the tour template displays the latest visual representation.

Key Features

  1. Update the image of an existing tour template
  2. Requires a valid tourTemplateId and fileId
  3. API key authentication required

Example Request

Updating the image for a specific tour template:
   "apiKey": "12345678-90ab-cdef-1234-567890abcdef",
   "tourTemplateId": "6e72952b-e987-4b5c-9f05-b568d622bdbf",
   "fileId": "a7b1ac9d-3f64-4bd5-ad84-5cf59a72045b"

Request Body

apiKey string Required
A unique authentication key required for API access. This key must be included in every request to authorize and validate usage.
tourTemplateId string Required
The unique identifier of the tour template whose image is being updated.
fileId string Required
The unique identifier of the uploaded image file to be associated with the tour template.

Example Response

Returns a status code indicating a successful update: